So this weekend my training plan got changed slightly. Instead of doing a long run on Saturday I found myself at the Campfire Retreat (@campfireretreat). This is a several day gathering of artists, dancers, and performers. My wife and daughter were actually the ones who wanted to go so they could take several aerial classes. I went along and tried to entertain myself while they were busy. I did a couple yoga classes, went to a few workshops on flow techniques, and watched some people learn to breathe fire. Here is what I learned.
- I’ve forgotten how to juggle.
- I think I’d enjoy learning more staff routines, but I don’t think I’ll be setting them on fire any time soon.
- Juggling poi balls looks fun, however, refer back to item #1.
- I have a hard time getting the directions right to do rope dart knots.
- Juggling and staff work so TOTALLY counts as cross training.
- If it works with our schedule I’ll be going back next year.