Greetings Supporters of Crow’s Gambit,
There are some big news items to discuss with you. As you know, Crow’s Gambit was one of the last books accepted into the Quill Imprint of Inkshares for publishing. The book has been in the editing queue with a month or two remaining until the process would start. However, I have made the decision that the best future for Crow’s Gambit exists outside of Inkshares. I have asked that the book be pulled from the queue for publishing.
I have learned much from my time on Inkshares and will continue to support my fellow authors here. I have great appreciation for the encouragement of you, my Supporters, and Inkshares during this process.
What does this mean for you, my supporters?In the next few days you should receive a refund from Inkshares. If your contact or banking information has changed please make sure to correct it on the Inkshares website now. If you have not received your refund in the next couple weeks please contact Inkshares to inquire (
What does this mean for Crow’s Gambit?First, do not panic. You will still be able to read the Crow’s Gambit story. It will be available in ebook and Print on Demand through Amazon soon. The Proofreading edit came back just this weekend and I am working with a cover editor. An early February publication date is the goal right now.
In the next couple weeks I will be transitioning this discussion list over to a new emailing service. At that time I will provide full information on how you can get a copy of the book (watch for an email with Crow’s Gambit in the subject).
While you wait, I encourage you to visit my website
Again, thank you all for your support in both the past and the future.