This was the second day of the 20 Books conference and I attended sessions on marketing, Military Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, and Fantasy. The one I’m going to talk about here was the Story Rescue Workshop with John Truby. He gave seven techniques to help save a struggling story. Since I’m working on a NaNoWriMo story let’s look at a few from that perspective as I did in the workshop.
#1 – Does the hero have an added weakness? Uhm, maybe? She’s too nice?
#2 – Does the hero have a specific goal? Get to the end of the book? Uhm, sort of?
#4 – Is there a main opponent through the story? Uhm, not exactly.
You’ve probably noticed an abundance of “uhm” answers there. It would appear that my pantsing is leaving a few things unclear. So, I’m going back through the techniques he mentioned and trying to at least have an answer to each to guide my writing.
Still a little behind with the word count, but over 21,000 words.